
Text to boys young mens leaders

I sent this as text to my boys young men leaders following Lee's incarceration in Bell County, TX jail after charges of assault.  I just wanted to reach out to you regarding my boys and let you know that we have had some very unhappy events this past week and that they are emotionally struggling. In particular Hamilton. Hamilton struggles with having good friends, having a good attitude and for the most part is angry a lot of the time. He struggles with having me as a mom and the limits that I have set for him. So this recent event has only compounded the problem. My boys love each of you and feel the love you have for him. So, I just wanted to make you aware of some struggles they are experiencing and to ask you to put your arms around my boys and let them know you love them. They LOVE you and have enjoyed the leaders in our ward and I am so grateful to you for nurturing, loving and guiding my boys. Thank you for sacrifice in doing your calling and for helping me raise my boys int

Hamilton "I guess in high school you have to be social."

 It seems like all of sudden Hamilton is interested in being social. He made the comment last week, "I guess in High School its important that you be social." He has even made some effort like walking Hennessey to her friend Summer's door to meet Summer's sister. He has also mentioned that he wants to be like his Uncle Lance and be cool like him and be social in high school. I'm wondering if his experience at EFY/AFY contributed to his change in attitude. It doesn't seem like much but that is progress for Hamilton. I hope that he makes an effort to be social and to have friends. Good friends will make all the difference. Happy to see that maybe he will make more of an effort. 

"We should put dads name on the temple roll."

Last week the kids and I were in Payson (going back and forth to a soccer tournament in Park City) and I took Harrison, Esmae, Aiden and Teja to the Payson Temple to do baptisms (Hamilton chose not to go). While waiting in line to get baptism clothing, Harrison saw a box that said "prayer roll." He asked what that was for and I explained to him that you can put in someone's name in the temple who is struggling with different things and they are prayed for. Harrison said, "We should put dads name in there." I started to cry as I realized that this sweet boy recognized that his dad is struggling in Texas alone from his family and not loving his job and that Harrison has faith that extra prayers would help. Harrison proceeded to write his father's name on a slip and put it into the prayer roll box. 


I really wanted to do something that would help Hamilton to build his testimony of Jesus Christ and to make connections with other LDS youth and I just wanted him to have an overall positive experience. I had a difficult time getting him enrolled in EFY but after weeks of pushing the refresh button on my computer (each time I went by my desk) I was finally able to get a spot that opened up in the registration. For months leading up to the EFY Moab, Hamilton complained (in typical fashion) about how stupid it was going to be and how he didn't want to hang out with "weird Mormon kids." Needless to say, when I dropped him off on Monday he wasn't thrilled to be going.  Half way through the week of EFY Moab I receive a text from Hamilton saying, "this camp is lame," and that "there are too many devotionals" and that one of the female leaders was a "Karen" (that means loser). Since receiving the text from him I have been really upset because th

Mom's tired

I am really tired today. It is Monday and it was a long weekend. Actually all weekends are long for me. I find the chaos and the kids constant desire for electronics exhausting. This weekend we had Patti and Chris Harline over for dinner. We had dinner and then played Cover Your Assets. While they  were here Harrison said that  he didn't feel well. Well he feel asleep during scripture on the front room floor and I left him there around 10:30 pm. and went to bed. Around 12:30  he came into my room informed by that he had thrown up, tired to clean it up and then got into my shower. Exhausted I stayed in bed and figured I would deal with the mess in the morning.  Saturday morning Hamilton and I had a call with a "recruiter" for preparing to set himself to be recruited in high school as a soccer player. At noon Hamilton went driving with Scott Moss. Hamilton kicks back when I ask him to go driving so I have enlisted the help of his young men's leaders. He will go with the

Proud of Hamilton

Hamilton had a school project stolen by a classmate and the end of the semester is a couple of days away. He asked me if I would be willing to come and get him after school (instead of riding the bus home)  so he could stay at school to restart the project. He stayed 4 hours after school got out in order to start and finish the project to bring his grade back up to an “A.” I am proud of him and the fact that he is responsible for his grades. He has become a good responsible young man. I am looking forward to see the man that he becomes! 

Documenting Motherhood

I have realized that for the last 15 years I have not documented my life. I have been so busy with being a mother and getting everything done that I haven't taken the time (I honestly feel like I haven't had the time and have been running around like a crazy person for all that time). I realize that there are moments in my kids life or things they have done that I have simply forgotten. As Hamilton is now 15 and has just a couple years left living at home I thought that I should start so that one day when they are all gone I will remember being a mother. Motherhood has been very difficult for me. I yell. I scream. I swear and sometimes I have not been the best example to my children. But I can  honestly say that I have given EVERYTHING that I have to my kids. I go to bed tired. I wake up tired. I put my children's needs always before my  own... and  maybe in hindsight that hasn't been the best choice. Much of the time I feel broken and maybe that is because I have negle